The Dancer's Edge Studio Utah
*Tuiton is Due the first of each month (every four weeks). If tuition is not paid by the 15th a $25.00 late fee will be charged to your account.
*Check, Cash, Venmo and Credit Cards (4% charge) are accepted.
*Automation and prorate are highly recommended.
*If you have an automation transaction or personal check that does not clear, a $20.00 fee will be charged and cash only will be accepted from that point on.
*There is NO Registration Fee this year.
*There is NO Recital Fee this year.
*The last week of December classes a $50.00 fee will be applied to all accounts that are NOT current.
*A $50.00 fee will be applied to all accounts that are NOT current by April 15th, 2022.
*Accounts need to be up to date & current to receive costumes and participate in all performances/events.
*If tuition is unpaid after 3 weeks the student will be asked to call home. After 4 weeks the student will not be able to participate in class.
*You are entering into a financial obligation whether your child attends every class.
*NO pro-rating is done except at the time of enrollment.
*In the event of an injury, NO pro-rates/refunds will be given.
*NO refunds/credits will be given for classes dropped mid-month.
*NO refunds for missed classes.
*NO refunds will be given under any circumstance including state of emergency, pandemics, natural disaster, etc.
*If for any reason the studio is forced to close due to state of emergency, pandemics, natural disasters, etc., ALL classes will be held over ZOOM and monthly tuition will continue to be charged.
*You may drop classes but It is your responsibility to inform the office NOT THE INSTRUCTOR, in writing, at least two weeks prior to the 1st of any month. If you do not do so, tuition will be charged as normal and it will be your responsibility to pay the fees.
*In order to create the best environment for students to remain focused, no parents/visitors are permitted in the classroom.
*Have students ready and properly dressed for class before entering the classroom. Please use restroom before class to avoid a loss of class time.
*The Dancer’s Edge Studio is a very professional studio and will always act as such. If for any reason a student and/or parent disregards this action a meeting will be held with the dancer and parents.
*Bullying, unacceptable behavior and inappropriate words on social media and/or in the studio, disrespect towards teachers, directors and/or the studio will not be allowed.
*Positive attitudes and continued support are necessary for students to succeed.
*It is important that expensive or sentimental belongings be left at home. The studio cannot be responsible, for misplace, lost, or even stolen items.
*Students should be dropped off no more than 5 minutes early and picked up immediately after class.
*Pre-school parents must ALWAYS come inside to pick up their student.
*The Dancer's Edge Studio does not give out notes to remind you of holidays, breaks or even make up lessons. You will be informed by, FB, the bulletin board in the foyer of the studio, the white board set up on the front steps and/or via text.